International Jury Cupping Score
Ka‘ū District,Big Island
2,000 feetabove sea level
Estimated Lot Size
97 pounds
Winning Bidder

Farm History
Leo Norberte is one of the original coffee growers in the Ka‘ū region of Hawai‘i Island. Born in the Philippines, Noberte began working for the C. Brewer Sugar Plantation in Pahala as a young man. When the sugar plantations shut their doors in 1996, C. Brewer offered former employees land leases to try growing coffee on the former sugar cane fields.
Noberte was among the first who tried their hands at coffee farming, taking on 10 acres in the Clouds Rest area just west of the town of Pāhala. 27 years later, Noberte’s JN Coffee Farms span 50 acres on different plots near Pāhala.
Double Anaerobic Washed Red Bourbon
This lot was processed by Miguel Meza and Ralph Gaston of ISLA Custom coffees. Coffee cherries were fermented in sealed bags for 20 hours before pulping. This lot was fermented with 3 different strains of wine yeasts (Saccromyces cervesiae), each selected to give a different sensory profile to the coffee.
After fermentation the parchment was rinsed, then dried for 2 days in the sun before finishing in a mechanical drying machine.